Get Your Veggies on

I’ve talked a little in the past about updating my diet to include things I never would have considered before. Well, anyone who knows me knows I don’t do well with Asian flavors, mostly the fish sauce and things of that nature.  Even the smell makes me nautious.  For years,  I associated any kind of stir fry with that same genre and avoided it as much as possible. I wouldn’t even eat cooked broccoli or carrots as they were just not in my list of foods I enjoyed… it’s ridiculous, I know.  Now, I make this meal about once a week or once every other week. It provides multiple colors and varieties of vegetables and is easily enjoyed with a number of sauce options or rice.

If you are considering changing things up, try to go first with something that is familiar and you know you enjoy. Mine was zuchinni. Then add in other ingredients and seasonings, and don’t be afraid to mix it up. I like spice so, Jerk seasoning and spices are at the top of my list as well as jalapeno jellies. Adding these to my stir fry gets rid of the asian feel and gives it a more Caribbean and smoky bbq vibe. Yum!

I’ve also been cajoled into sharing my mother’s recipe for savory chex mix as it’s a favorite in my house, and friends beg for it on the regular. #whitneythisisforyou

  • 2 sticks of butter *melted
  • 1 box of chex cereal of your choice (crispix) has all three chex flavors)
  • Mixed nuts (choose your favorite)
  • Mini pretzels
  • Cheeze-its (any variety will do, or you can try goldfish crackers if you dare)
  • No salt all seasoning mix ( there is enough salt on everything else) sprinkle liberally
  • 3-4 tablespoons of liquid aminos (adjust for your preferences)

Mix these ingredients together and spread onto large baking sheets, then place in the oven at 250 for an hour, mixing every 15 minutes. You won’t be disappointed.

We go through this at an astronomical rate. So doubling the recipe is always a good idea for larger families or chex mix lovers. Also, making your own makes it so you aren’t picking things out, and you can choose exactly what you want to include.

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I’m Heidi

Wonder with me through the avenues of health and wellness, including therapy, mental health, and the highs and lows of chronic disease. I have had Lupus for 16 years, APL for 9 years and heart disease for 5. I had open heart surgery in 2019 and am navigating the ins and outs of coping with chronic disease.

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